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Tuesday 5 April 2016

How Long Do You Last While Having SEX 33 Seconds to 4 Mins?

Sometimes a particularly steamy lovemaking session can seem to last forever. At other times, intercourse can be over in a flash. After such an encounter, many of us wonder 'how long does sex normally last'? Some of them worker man guys would say they go all night long......

Dr Brendan Zietsch, a psychologist from the University of Queensland, has sought to answer this pressing question. In an article for The Conversation, he examined all the latest research - and found penetration can last from 33 seconds to 44 minutes when an average is taken of all the times each couple has sex. The average time across different couples was 5.4 minutes. Here, Dr Zietsch explains his findings, including whether wearing a condom or if the man is circumcised makes any difference...

 If you're a non-scientist, you might have once asked yourself, propped against the bedhead after disappointingly quick intercourse, how long does sex 'normally' last? A scientist, though, would phrase the same question in an almost comically obscure way: What is the mean intravaginal ejaculation latency time? I know there's a lot more to sex than putting the penis into the vagina and ejaculating, but the rest is not always easy to define (kissing? rubbing? grinding?).

To keep things simple and specific, we'll just focus on the time to ejaculation. Measuring an average time to ejaculation is not a straightforward matter. What about just asking people how long they take, you say? Well, there are two main problems with this. One is that people are likely to be biased upwards in their time estimates, because it's socially desirable to say you go long into the night. The other problem is that people don't necessarily know how long they go for. Sex isn't something people normally do while monitoring the bedside clock, and unassisted time measuring may be difficult during a spontaneous lovemaking session.
So you folks when next you wanna rump take note it aint gonna last more than 5mins.
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